Global Mentoring for Oneness

Jesus shared His heart for Oneness with His disciples by doing life with them.  

Via role modeling, teaching and mentoring, He revealed His heart to them  When the disciples became ONE, it ignited an explosion so great that 2,000 yrs. later it is still the most powerful force on the planet.

Jesus and His ways have  not changed.  We are here to do life with any who long to embrace His Prayer of oneness. Presently, we are in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the U.S.

Each ministry relationship is unique.  We listen to you and to His Spirit to design a relational ministry that is best for you. If we may assist you and those with you in catching the vision for His Prayer, let us know.

Reconciliation brings Oneness

Oneness does not come easily.

Sometimes, our hearts are broken and our relationships are fragmented. When we are wounded, our ability to love and to be one is impaired. It  is a heartbreaking situation for everyone and heartbreaking for Jesus.

We offer reconciliation counseling and healing prayer to leaders and their families, churches, mission groups, and businesses.

We prayerfully seek His wisdom for each situation. As no two people  are the same, no two situations are the same.  We partner with you for His unique path for healing and oneness.  We seek to be His vessel of grace, truth, healing, restoration and oneness  for you and with you.

We partner with you for His Prayer to be answered. 

Our Persecuted Friends

We believe oneness with our persecuted brothers and sisters is a joy, calling, and honor.  We share friendship, teaching, and mentoring.  Our generous U.S. partners also empower us to send funds for medical supplies, food and Bibles.   We choose to keep the details of these ministries confidential to protect our dear friends.

  • ASIA

Thank you for praying and giving to be ONE with them.